A Note from UH Law Center Dean Ray Nimmer | Vol. 1, No. 6 |
Many of our law professors are out to change the world – and not just by broadening the minds of our students. For example, Victor Flatt, who holds the A.L. O’Quinn Chair in Environmental Law, has recently completed his work on a major research project looking at the scale and sources of Houston’s air pollution. “The Control of Air Toxics: Toxicology Motivations and Houston Implications” was funded by the Houston Endowment and underscores his belief in the need for better air-quality standards and stronger enforcement protocols. The report has attracted widespread attention in the Houston area, and Victor’s collaborative work could eventually make the Houston area breathe easier. Ecology Law Quarterly will soon publish his article that examines federal responses to hazardous air pollution. Public interest also fuels the work of two other UH Law Center professors: Ellen Marrus, George Butler Research Professor of Law; and Laura Oren, Law Foundation Professor of Law. Under Ellen’s direction, the Southwest Juvenile Defender Center has made important contributions in the area of juvenile justice, including providing training for lawyers, judges and other professionals who work with children. We have recently moved that group fully within the Law Center under the umbrella of our newly organized Center for Children, Law & Policy. Ellen and Laura will jointly oversee the new center and its interdisciplinary work in policy studies and related research, including an April 2007 conference on “Children and the Law after the Katrina Disaster.” Thanks to all three of these faculty members, and to the many others doing important work on other topics. We are, and will continue to be, a faculty committed to serving the broad legal community in which the Law Center plays an important role. RTN To respond to Dean Nimmer, please click here. Click here for previous Dean’s Notes. To stop receiving these email messages, please click unsubscribe. The University of Houston Law Center