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Section # | Course | Professor | Exam Day | Exam Time | Exam Room 1 | Exam Room 2 |
13517 | 5375 Administration of Estates and Guardianship | AKERS | 5/2/2024 | 9-12 | 310 | |
15732 | 5382 Administrative Law | DUKE | Take Home | Take Home | ||
16552 | 6239 Admiralty Environmental and Insurance Claims | ENGERRAND | 1/13/2024 | 9-11 | ||
23320 | 5297 Alternative Energy Transactions and Contracting | BORREGO | ||||
22832 | 6203 Bankruptcy Tax | MAY | 5/6/2024 | 4-6 | 213 | |
22822 | 5421 Business Organizations | BRANTLEY | 5/9/2024 | 1-5 | ||
13152 | 5421 Business Organizations | RAGAZZO | 5/7/2024 | 9-1 | 220 | |
11080 | 5421 Business Organizations | MOLL | 5/9/2024 | 2-5 | 102A | 102B |
24008 | 5297 Cannabis/Psychedelics Law | ZORN | 5/1/2024 | 5-7 | 211 | |
22827 | 6357 Children & the Law | MARRUS | ||||
23331 | 5397 Civil Procedure (FLLM Only) | WARREN | 5/2/2024 | 9-12 | 311 | 312 |
23318 | 5297 Clean Air Act | COOK | 5/6/2024 | 4-6 | 311 | |
14925 | 5323 Conflict of Laws | UNGUREANU | 5/4/2024 | 9-12 | 102B | |
24355 | 5323 Conflict of Laws | TEN CATE | 5/6/2024 | 9-12 | 310 | |
11082 | 5488 Constitutional Law | MORALES | 5/3/2024 | 9-1 | 210 | 211 |
11081 | 5488 Constitutional Law | PORTUONDO | 5/3/2024 | 9-1 | 102A | 102B |
11083 | 5488 Constitutional Law | BERMAN | 5/3/2024 | 9-1 | ||
15783 | 6364 Contract Drafting | TOEDT | 5/1/2024 | 6-7 | ||
15784 | 6364 Contract Drafting | TOEDT | 5/1/2024 | 6-7 | ||
11704 | 5409 Contracts | BUSH | 5/6/2024 | 6-10 | ||
23330 | 5397 Contracts (FLLM Only) | NGUYEN,H | 5/1/2024 | 1-4 | 311 | |
22752 | 5379 Copyright Law | FAGUNDES | 5/2/2024 | 2-5 | 311 | |
11064 | 5303 Criminal Law | KWOK | 5/1/2024 | 9-12 | 210 | 211 |
11063 | 5303 Criminal Law | THOMPSON | 5/1/2024 | 9-12 | 102A | 100 |
11065 | 5303 Criminal Law | TEN CATE | 5/1/2024 | 9-12 | 102B | 207 |
16588 | 5326 Criminal Procedure | KWOK | 5/6/2024 | 9-12 | 220 | |
16587 | 5326 Criminal Procedure | BRALEY | 5/8/2024 | 6-9 | ||
22934 | 5297 Criminal Sentencing Law and Policy | MARTIN, S | 5/6/2024 | 6-8 | 312 | |
23319 | 5297 Death and Taxes | BORRETT/CORORVE | Take home | Take home | ||
17932 | 5341 Disabilities & the Law | ROBERTS | 5/3/2024 | 9-12 | ||
17934 | 5244 Employee Benefits Plans & Compensation | BENSKIN/WINSTON | 5/4/2024 | 9-11 | ||
12883 | 5362 Employment Discrimination | AREHEART | Take home | exam | ||
24018 | 5343 Employment Law | SWIFT | 05/03/2024 | 4:00-6:30P | Remote | |
22839 | 5211 Energy and the Environment | LANDERS | Paper | Paper | ||
23317 | 5297 Energy Taxation | MATLOCK | 5/9/2024 | 5-7 | ||
23333 | 5397 Environmental Appellate Advocacy | HESTER | 5/2/2024 | 2-5 | ||
20286 | 5357 Evidence | CRUMP | 5/1/2024 | 1-4 | 310 | |
14807 | 5357 Evidence | BREM | 5/2/2024 | 6-9 | 102B | |
12887 | 5459 Federal Income Tax | WILSON | 5/7/2024 | 9-1 | 312 | |
17941 | 5225 Financial Products Taxation | GUPTA | Take home | exam | ||
13550 | 5361 Financial Statement Analysis and Business Practices for Lawyers | BRENNAN | 5/2/2024 | 6-9 | ||
16585 | 5312 First Amendment | SALIB | 5/8/2024 | 12-4 | 220 | |
22753 | 5217 Fraud and Abuse | CORDOVA | Take home | Take home | ||
22927 | 5297 Global Health Law | DIAMOND | 5/4/2024 | 9-11 | 312 | |
17940 | 5101 Health Law Research | LAWSON | Take home | Take home | ||
16590 | 5333 Health Transactions | MANTEL/McSTAY/SHEA | Projects | |||
13157 | 5218 Human Trafficking Law | ZACK | ||||
23500 | 5389 Immigration Law | MORALES | Take home | Take home | ||
16628 | 5201 Intellectual Property Survey | ANDREWS | 5/9/2024 | 5-7 | 200 | |
13554 | 5392 International Business Transactions | FOTEH | Projects | |||
20473 | 5296 International Energy Contracts | NADORFF | 1/13/2024 | 9-11 | ||
15708 | 5222 Introduction to the Law of Mexico | PINTO-LEON | 5/1/2024 | 5-7 | 207 | |
22846 | 5351 Juvenile Law | MARRUS | ||||
23332 | 5397 Large Language Models for Lawyers | CHANDLER | 5/8/2024 | 6-9 | ||
12681 | 6207 Lawyering Skills and Strategies - A1 | REED | ||||
12684 | 6207 Lawyering Skills and Strategies - A2 | GOMEZ | ||||
12686 | 6207 Lawyering Skills and Strategies - A3 | BREM | ||||
12854 | 6207 Lawyering Skills and Strategies - A4 | SWIFT | ||||
22843 | 6207 Lawyering Skills and Strategies - A5 | ESTERHOLM | ||||
22844 | 6207 Lawyering Skills and Strategies - B1 | THORNTON | ||||
12679 | 6207 Lawyering Skills and Strategies - B2 | SWIFT | ||||
12682 | 6207 Lawyering Skills and Strategies - B3 | BRANTLEY | ||||
12687 | 6207 Lawyering Skills and Strategies - B5 | ESTERHOLM | ||||
12683 | 6207 Lawyering Skills and Strategies - C2 | BRANTLEY | ||||
12680 | 6207 Lawyering Skills and Strategies - C3 | GOMEZ | ||||
12689 | 6207 Lawyering Skills and Strategies - C4 | REED | ||||
22845 | 6207 Lawyering Skills and Strategies - C5 | THORNTON | ||||
11069 | 5381 Legal Negotiations | LAWRENCE/SCHRECENGOST | ||||
22908 | 6241 Licensing & Technology Transfer | MAVRAKAKIS/BRUCCULERI | 5/4/2024 | 9-11 | 311 | |
22910 | 5340 Marital Property Rights | OLDHAM | 5/7/2024 | 6-9 | 210 | |
14360 | 6350 Maritime Personal Injury Litigation | UNGER | 5/8/2024 | 3-6 | 260 | |
22859 | 5230 Mergers & Acquisitions | RAGAZZO | 5/1/2024 | 1-4 | 312 | |
14518 | 5355 Oil & Gas Law | MASON | 5/8/2024 | 6-9 | 210 | |
14358 | 6386 Oil & Gas Tax | WRIGHT | 5/1/2024 | 1-4 | 221 | |
14365 | 6205 Patent Prosecution | COTRONE | 5/6/2024 | 6-8 | ||
26086 | 5297 Patent Remedies & Defenses | LARSON | 05/07/2024 | 7-9pm | 260 | |
13573 | 5320 Pretrial Procedure | SCHWARTZ, C | 5/6/2024 | 9-12 | ||
14359 | 6392 Privacy & Data Protection | GUGGENBERGER | 5/2/2024 | 9-12 | 210 | |
13950 | 5311 Products Liability | SANDERS | 5/6/2024 | 9-12 | 211 | |
13572 | 6321 Professional Responsibility | SCHWARTZ, R | 5/4/2024 | 9-12 | 210 | |
17913 | 6321 Professional Responsibility | KNAKE JEFFERSON | Take home | exam | ||
14884 | 6321 Professional Responsibility | DUNCAN | 5/2/2024 | 2-5 | 210 | 211 |
17914 | 6321 Professional Responsibility (FLLM ONLY) | DAVIS | 5/7/2024 | 9-12 | 211 | |
17911 | 5342 Professional Writing Strategies | WARREN,JILL | 5/2/2024 | 2-5 | 207 | |
22815 | 5342 Professional Writing Strategies | MARTIN, A | 5/7/2024 | 9-12 | 207 | |
16584 | 5342 Professional Writing Strategies | MATHEW | 5/6/2024 | 9-12 | 207 | |
16944 | 5342 Professional Writing Strategies | VAGENAS | 5/9/2024 | 1-4 | 310 | |
11603 | 5408 Property | BREGANT | 5/8/2024 | 9-1 | 102B | 100 |
11076 | 5408 Property | ZALE | 5/8/2024 | 9-12 | 102A | 207 |
11075 | 5408 Property | WARREN | 5/8/2024 | 9-1 | 210 | 211 |
14801 | 5345 Real Estate Transactions | CRUMP | 5/8/2024 | 9-12 | 310 | 311 |
22928 | 5297 Reproductive Rights | RAINE | 5/7/2024 | 6-8 | ||
18426 | 6347 Secured Financing | DOLE | 5/8/2024 | 3-6 | ||
24017 | 6347 Secured Financing | MOLL | 5/2/2024 | 9-12 | 220 | 213 |
17947 | 6307 Sports Law | COOPER | 5/7/2024 | 9-12 | ||
22847 | 5259 State & Local Taxation | CHADHA | 5/4/2024 | 9-11 | ||
12646 | 5378 Statutory Interpretation and Regulation | BUSH | 5/6/2024 | 9-12 | ||
13515 | 5378 Statutory Interpretation and Regulation | HESTER | 5/6/2024 | 9-12 | 102A | 102B |
12647 | 5378 Statutory Interpretation and Regulation | MICHAELS | 5/6/2024 | 9am-1pm | 210 | 220 |
12648 | 5378 Statutory Interpretation and Regulation | BLEVINS | 5/8/2024 | 3-6 | 311 | |
22825 | 5266 Taxation of Exempt Organizations | BUCKLES | 5/7/2024 | 12-2 | 221 | |
17950 | 6336 The Law and Theology | BUCKLES | 5/7/2024 | 3-6 | 312 | |
22858 | 6306 The Law of Patient Care | EWER | 5/7/2024 | 6-9 | 211 | |
12158 | 5418 Torts | KOCH | 5/7/2024 | 6-10 | 102A | |
17951 | 5317 Trademark & Unfair Competition | GEBRU | 5/8/2024 | 3-6 | 312 | |
16583 | 5339 Trusts & Wills | REED | 5/3/2024 | 9-12 | 310 | 311 |
11068 | 5339 Trusts & Wills | SANDERS,A | 5/4/2024 | 9-12 | 220 | |
13516 | 7328 WRC: Writing for Criminal Defense | MASELLI | Paper | Paper |