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Fall 2023

5411 Military Justice Clinic - MARQUEZ, Jason- 24888

Professor(s): Jason Marquez (ADJUNCT)

Credits: 4

Course Areas: Practice Skills - Clinics and Externships 
Criminal Law

Time: ARRANGED    Location: 100 

Course Outline: Students in the Military Justice Clinic will be assigned to defense teams in military criminal justice cases pending adverse administrative board hearings and felony-level courts-martial. As members of the defense team, students will participate in pretrial conferencing, strategy sessions, investigation, witness interviews, discovery, expert consultant identification, motions practice, and representation at hearings.
The Military Justice Clinic will serve to familiarize students with practice before military courts and administrative boards. At the conclusion of their clinical work, those students with an interest in further military service will have demonstrated their commitment to service along with valuable practical experience. The Clinic’s supervising attorney will advise and assist those students interested in further service with applications to the multiple services Judge Advocates General Corps.
Clinic coursework will consist of a classroom component and a practical component. All case-specific work will remain confidential and protected under the Attorney-Client Privilege.

Course Syllabus: Syllabus

Course Notes:   Quota=1.

Course materials will be posted on Blackboard.

Prerequisites: Yes  Completed or concurrently enrolled in Evidence

First Day Assignments:

Final Exam Schedule:    

This course will have:

Satisfies Senior Upper Level Writing Requirement: No

Experiential Course Type: clinic

Bar Course: No

DistanceEd ABA: No

Pass-Fail Student Election: Unavailable (Instructor Preference)

Course Materials

No book required for this course

Course Materials: CLASS MATERIALS Materials will be provided to students at least one week prior to scheduled classes via SharePoint and/or via e-mail. Supplemental material may be provided less than one week prior to scheduled classes accounting for client needs.