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Spring 2024

5404 Civil Justice Clinic II - MARQUEZ, Ryan- 22836

Professor(s): Ryan Marquez (CLINICAL FACULTY [405(b)])

Credits: 4

Course Areas: Practice Skills - Clinics and Externships 

Time: ARRANGED    Location:  

Course Outline: This course is a practical course involving representing actual clients with their legal issues. You will be working on cases filed in Justice, County, and District courts. Most of your cases will primarily relate to landlord and tenant law, real estate issues, deceptive trade practices, debt collection, bankruptcy, negotiation strategies, simple wills and probate matter, guardianship, real property disputes, and family and domestic relations cases. Other cases of interest will be taken occasionally as well. After completing this course, students will have the necessary legal and practical knowledge to represent clients effectively upon starting to practice law. Either a Consumer Clinic I, Civil Clinic I, or Civil Justice Clinic I course is a prerequisite to this course. Clinic II students will take a more leadership role and help oversee any Clinic I students. Additionally, this student will have more difficult assignments and can choose the practice area which they would like to focus.

Regular participation in the clinic is required. You must work 50 hours per course credit hour. There is a weekly meeting that last approximately 1 to 1 ½ hours. In the event that our meeting needs to be rescheduled, I will give you advance warning by email. This will not happen often, but may happen from time to time. All postponed/cancelled classes will be rescheduled.

This is a clinical University of Houston Law Center course. Accordingly, Law Center policy requires the applicable curved scale. Work performance, attendance, and participation, including turning in all assignments, will count toward your final grade.

Course Syllabus: Syllabus

Course Notes:   I am available to discuss your cases any time I am here at UHLC. My office is 343G and my phone number is (713) 743 -2169 (UHLC). If you do not find me in my office, you should feel free to call me at any time or email me regarding questions. My cell phone will be available for you to contact me at any time as well. You may call me at any time if you have a problem that cannot wait until regular school hours.

Regular course attendance is expected. The Law Center expects students to attend at least 80% of the scheduled classes.

The final grade for the course is determined by assessing your work in the following areas as you represent your assigned clients and participate portion the course:

• Professionalism
• Lawyering Skills
• Classroom participation and assignments

The best equivalent to be to consider how you would be evaluated for a job.

Learning Outcomes
• Advanced development of Interviewing and Counseling Skills
• Advanced development of fact investigation, trial, and public speaking skills
• Comfort in legal research and writing skills
• Continuation of knowledge of the substantive areas of the law
• Enhanced knowledge in law practice management
• Recognition of cultural competence in the field

This is an ordinary University of Houston Law Center course. Accordingly, Law Center policy requires the final grade average for the course be 3.20 – 3.40 on a 4.0 scale or whatever scale in effect at the time or enrollment. Your grade will also be based on class meeting preparation.

Prerequisites: Yes  Completion of Civil Justice Clinic I, Civil Practice Clinic I, or Consumer Law Clinic I. Good academic standing.

First Day Assignments:

Final Exam Schedule:    

This course will have:

Satisfies Senior Upper Level Writing Requirement: No

Experiential Course Type: clinic

Bar Course: No

DistanceEd ABA: No

Pass-Fail Student Election: Conditional Availability (not for required credits)

Course Materials

No book required for this course