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Spring 2024

5397 Mediation Clinic II - WILLIS- 22994

Professor(s): Tasha Willis (CLINICAL FACULTY [405(b)])

Credits: 3

Course Areas: Practice Skills - Clinics and Externships 

Time: ARRANGED    Location:  

Course Outline: Mediation Clinic students add to their list of lawyering skills learned prior to graduation by mediating real cases in Justice Courts, the Better Business Bureau, the EEOC, and for parties who have been ordered to mediate by local judges. Students will mediate 2-3 mediations per week throughout the semester.

For more information regarding the Mediation Clinic contact Tasha Willis,

Students must apply to the Clinic by submitting the online application at Students should not attempt to enroll themselves in these courses via PeopleSoft: if you’re accepted, the Clinic Program Manager will enroll you via the Office of Student Services.

Course Syllabus: Syllabus

Course Notes:   Quota = 3.

There is no book required for the Mediation Clinic/Mediation Process. All forms required for each venue and advanced reading materials are handed out in class.

Students will submit journals and participate in a group project.

Clinic students are invited to attend the Clinical Program group picture.

Prerequisites: Yes  Completion of Mediation Clinic I.

First Day Assignments:

Final Exam Schedule:    

This course will have:

Satisfies Senior Upper Level Writing Requirement: No

Experiential Course Type: clinic

Bar Course: No

DistanceEd ABA: No

Pass-Fail Student Election: Conditional Availability (not for required credits)