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Spring 2024

6321 Professional Responsibility - SCHWARTZ, R- 13572

Professor(s): Richard Schwartz (ADJUNCT)

Credits: 3

Course Areas: Procedure and Practice 

Time: 7:30p-9:00p  MW  Location: 210 

Course Outline: This course is a study of the legal and ethical responsibilities of members of the legal profession. A required course, Professional Responsibility focuses on both the Model Rules of Professional Conduct as well as the current law governing the conduct of lawyers.

Course Syllabus: Syllabus

Course Notes: (Face-to-Face)   The UH registration system instruction mode for this course is listed in parenthesis. For this instruction mode, instructors and students are expected to normally be physically present in the classroom. If the course has a final examination, it will be in a classroom requiring your physical presence. Other assessment, such as a mid-term exam, may also be in a classroom. Whether this instructor will offer “remote presence” (starting a zoom meeting from the podium computer to enable student remote access on an occasional basis) for part or all of the semester is not known, but students should not rely on an expectation that remote presence will be available.



First Day Assignments:

Final Exam Schedule: 5/4/2024 9-12  210    

This course will have:

Satisfies Senior Upper Level Writing Requirement: No

Experiential Course Type: No

Bar Course: Required (MPRE)

DistanceEd ABA: No

Pass-Fail Student Election: Unavailable (Required Course)

Course Materials

Book(s) Required

A. JEFFERSON, PEARCE, GREEN, JOY, KIM, MURPHY, TERRY, & BROWN, PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY: A CONTEMPORARY APPROACH (4th ed. 2020) ISBN: 978-1642422856, (You are required to use this edition, as there have been substantial revisions from the prior edition.)
• Hardbound, printed version of casebook: (includes access to the e-version)
• Electronic-only version of casebook:

B. AMERICAN BAR ASS’N MODEL RULES OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT 2020, available online You must have access to these rules. You may access the Rules online. You are not required to purchase a print copy, but you might find it helpful to do so. The most affordable option is to purchase the ABA’s version. Please note that when the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct are referenced in the casebook, you are responsible for looking up and reading the entire Rule as well as the corresponding Comments, which require clicking through to a new webpage.

C. I will communicate with you through email when necessary out of class and send you the class PowerPoints by email. Please be sure I have a good email address.