Univ  ersity of Houston Law Center

Pipeline program

2021 Diversity Pre-Law Symposium
& Law School Admissions Fair

October 16 & October 23

The UHLC Pre-Law Pipeline Program, HMARIA, Inc., Roure Diversity Pipeline Alliance-Legal, and John Jay College of Criminal Justice/CUNY cordially invite all students from minority, low socio-economic, or underrepresented backgrounds and who are interested in pursuing a legal career to attend the two-day 2021 Diversity Pre-Law Symposium and Law School Admissions Fair.

The Diversity Pre-Law Symposium and Law School Admissions Fair is free to attend and is designed to educate and introduce diverse students to law schools across the country. We will have panel speakers discuss the law school application process, financial aid, joint degree programs, and professionalism in the legal industry.

October 16 & October 23



Kindly register to receive your zoom link which will provide you access for both days. Please direct any inquiries to uhprelaw@central.uh.edu.

View last year’s keynote speaker, sponsor, and attending law school information here

Participating Law Schools