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International Law and Comparative Legal Studies Courses 2021

Section # Course Professor Course Area
28962 6239 Admiralty Environmental and Insurance Claims
ENGERRAND International Law
Energy, Natural Resources and Environmental Law
18624 6239 Admiralty Environmental and Insurance Claims
ENGERRAND International Law
Energy, Natural Resources and Environmental Law
27108 5377 Admiralty, Maritime Commerce
WINTON International Law
23269 6350 Admiralty, PI & Death
UNGER International Law
29027 5397 Asylum Law (Distance Education)
MORALES International Law
24847 5323 Conflict of Laws
UNGUREANU Procedure and Practice
International Law
17883 5323 Conflict of Laws
UNGUREANU Procedure and Practice
International Law
22295 6326 Diplomacy for Oil and Gas
CARDENAS Energy, Natural Resources and Environmental Law
International Law
19712 6223 Drafting & Negotiating Int'l Oil & Gas Agreements
NADORFF Energy, Natural Resources and Environmental Law
International Law
17890 6302 Foreign Affairs
BERMAN International Law
20383 5218 Human Trafficking Law
GALLAGHER Constitutional and Criminal Law
International Law
24425 5389 Immigration Law (Distance Education)
MORALES International Law
27089 5389 Immigration Law
MORALES International Law
21306 5392 International Business Transactions
FOTEH International Law
Business and Commercial Law
16943 5221 International Commercial Arbitration
Energy, Natural Resources and Environmental Law
29411 6333 International Intellectual Property
KUMAR Intellectual Property and Information Law
International Law
16271 5370 International Law
JACKSON International Law
13042 5371 International Petroleum Transactions
WRIGHT Energy, Natural Resources and Environmental Law
International Law
16194 6238 International Risk Management
RIVERO International Law
Energy, Natural Resources and Environmental Law
14994 5387 International Tax
WELLS Taxation
International Law
30134 5324 International Trade
TRUJILLO International Law
28967 5222 Introduction to the Law of Mexico
PINTO-LEON International Law
14545 5385 Introduction to the Laws of European Union
WILLIS International Law
29563 5297 Legal Spanish for Spanish Speakers
ROMERO International Law
18794 5397 NAFTA 2.0: North American Trade After the USMCA
TRUJILLO International Law
14993 5325 National Security Law
BERMAN Constitutional and Criminal Law
International Law
21328 5234 Shale Gas & LNG
SAKMAR Energy, Natural Resources and Environmental Law
International Law
27770 5216 Space Law
BRESNIK International Law
29009 5397 Terrorism and the Law
HAMDANI International Law
18622 5297 The Current Crisis in the Middle East
FOTEH International Law
19133 6371 Transnational Investment Law and Arbitration
CARDENAS Energy, Natural Resources and Environmental Law
International Law
22293 6351 Transnational Petroleum Law (Lex Petrolea)
CARDENAS Energy, Natural Resources and Environmental Law
International Law
16608 5295 U.S. Export Regulation
HANSON International Law
14581 6219 U.S. Import Regulation
HANSON International Law
Business and Commercial Law
29151 7397 WRS: Int'l Justice & Atrocities (Distance Education)
KAUFMAN International Law
15538 7334 WRS: International Law & Use of Force
FOTEH International Law