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Career Development Office

Students Alumni Employers Meet the Staff CDO Past Events

M-F 8am-5pm

Career Development Office 4170 Martin Luther King Blvd O’Quinn Law Building, Suite 250 Houston, Texas 77204-6060 Phone: 713-743-2090


Students Alumni Employers Meet the Staff CDO Past Events

MWThF 8am-5pm
Tuesday 8am-5pm

Career Development Office 4170 Martin Luther King Blvd O’Quinn Law Building, Suite 250 Houston, Texas 77204-6060 Phone: 713-743-2090


Employers learn more about recruiting UHLC Students
Make an Appointment with your Counselor
Stay up to date with what's happening in the CDO

Welcome to the Career Development Office

The Career Development Office (CDO) offers a full range of resources and services to assist both students and employers in achieving their goals. Our primary mission is to equip students and graduates with the resources and skills to successfully generate and take advantage of professional opportunities. In support of this mission, the CDO guides students and alumni in the use of tools and strategies for successful job searches. The cornerstone of our service is our one-on-one career advising.

We also assist employers in identifying and recruiting talented students and alumni to fulfill their employment needs. We provide a number of opportunities for employers to connect with our students, including career panels, networking events, workshops, mock interviews, job fairs, recruitment programs, and an electronic job bank.  With our in-depth knowledge of the student and alumni population, the CDO can guide employers to the right candidate for their organization.

Whether you are looking for a job or seeking employees, the CDO is here to help, so please don’t hesitate to reach out if the CDO can assist you in any way.

Career Spotlight

UH Law Center student Jimenez secures post-grad appeals court clerkship and position at Thomas Quinn


Cianne Jimenez, a 2024 graduate from the University of Houston Law Center (UHLC), will start her job as an associate at Thomas Quinn in Sept. 2025 after finishing a 1-year clerkship with the 14th Court of Appeals in Houston.

CDO Events

UH Law Centers hosts Spring Small and Midsize Firm Open House

Career event

Law students and recent graduates connected with more than 40 law firms during the 2024 Spring Small and Midsize Firm Open House, hosted by the University of Houston Law Center Career Development Office.