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UHLC 2L Sarah Douglas gains experience through TechnipFMC internship

April 03, 2024 – Sarah Douglas, a first-generation law student, has been interning at the global technology company TechnipFMC where she has acquired invaluable skills.

2L Douglas reflects on the support the University of Houston Law Center has provided her as a law student and the opportunities to network with attorneys.  

Sarah Douglas

Sarah Douglas

In what way did interning at TechnipFMC help you in your legal education?

TechnipFMC is a technology provider to the energy industry. I’ve been working at TechnipFMC since May 2023. I wanted to work in-house after law school. The skills that they’ve given me and trained me on are transferable and I couldn’t have learned them without the experience they’ve provided me. They cater to the students knowing we have school requirements, and they are very accommodating. The workload that they provide is very diverse. I get to work in the litigation department, supplier contracting, investigations, and data privacy. Their goal is to show me every practice area within their company. So, getting that experience had just been incredible.

What have been some of your notable experiences interning at TechnipFMC?  

TechnipFMC did a collaboration with Hives for Heroes and provided an opportunity for interns to suit up and collect honey from bees located at Gremp Campus. Hives for Heroes is a national non-profit service organization focusing on sustainability, conservation, and providing a healthy transition from service.  

TechnipFMC is passionate about supporting veterans and Hives for Heroes builds a community of veterans in a peaceful and educational manner.  

I was able to meet the Hives for Heroes CEO who joined our group to rescue a swarm located on TechnipFMC’s premises. I was able to jar my own honey, scoop bees up and place them in transfer containers, vacuum the bees, collect honey from the hives, transport the bees into the new hive and I was able to learn more about how TechnipFMC supports the organization.  

What led you to pursue a legal education at the University of Houston Law Center?

UHLC was my top choice. I am interested in health law and UHLC is ranked in the top 10 in the country for health law. I knew this area too with the legal market of Houston, I would prosper and reach my best potential in my legal career.

My own experience and working in the medical field at a pediatric office motivated me to want to pursue advocacy for those with disabilities for accessibility to medications and technologies and to help children with disabilities.

What were some of your favorite professors/memories here?

I absolutely loved torts during my first semester with Professor Joseph Sanders. He brought a sense of humor and light to difficult cases that were sometimes hard to read. He made law school enjoyable and digestible. Your first year you feel like you’re trying to take in information as if drinking from a fire hydrant. He made it feel less like drinking from a fire hydrant.

Another favorite is Professor Dave Fagundes for property. He was joyful, passionate about his class and materials and extremely engaging, which captivated my attention in every class.

This semester I’m taking Professor Jessica Roberts for disability law and the way she teaches the class is phenomenal. I feel like I’m pursuing exactly what I intended to be by taking her class. She’s very empowering, encouraging and just passionate.

What is one valuable lesson you learned at the University of Houston Law Center?

I was surprised during my first year by how diverse the opportunities are as a lawyer. UHLC really spotlights what opportunities you have as an attorney, not only in Houston but globally and internationally. The firm size, in-house, and government positions were all areas that I was unaware of as a first-generation law student. I also would say UHLC has helped me to grow in my networking skills, and how to communicate with attorneys in my field of interest.

What advice do you have for individuals considering law school?

I would say if they’re interested, take pre-law classes in undergrad because it's very helpful to get a grasp of what the law school course load will look like. Try to look at sitting in on a law school class. I think sitting in on a law class and seeing what the school is like is very helpful. Also, reach out to attorneys and just ask them questions about their careers. Hearing their responses and seeing them in practice is extremely helpful.

Sarah Douglas and bees

During intern orientation at TechnipFMC, Sarah Douglas participated in the bee experience with Hives for Heroes at the John T. Gremp Campus in Houston.

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