The program fulfills the Texas statutory education requirements. The course complies with the mediation training requirements promulgated by the Texas Mediation Trainers Roundtable, as well as the requirements of the Texas ADR Act and the Texas Mediator Credentialing Association. Additionally, it provides 40 hours of MCLE credit and 6 hours of ethics.
The target audience for this training is anyone from any profession with the prerequisites who wish to practice mediation. The particular emphasis of the program is developing mediation skills to develop mastery in litigation and non-litigation cases. The training is designed to be attended in its entirety. The program is hand-on, fast paced and interactive.
Offered twice a year, spring and fall, the fee for the training is $1,285.00. Payment is due at the time of registration. Payment may be made by credit card or check. Please make checks payable to U of H Law Foundation and mail to
University of Houston Law Center
4170 Martin Luther King Blvd., Suite 251
Houston, Tx. 77204-6060
Attn: Judy Clark
Course Directors: Tracy Leissner and Robert Hughes
MCLE: 40 hours Participatory and 6 hours Ethics
CEU: available upon request
Weekend Classes: Friday - Sunday (10:00 AM - 6:00 PM each day, each weekend. Times listed are CST.)
Fee: $1,285.00 ($1295.00 if paid by credit card)
COURSE LOCATION: Until further notice, this course will be held virtually. For more information, email the A. A. White Dispute Resolution Center at
40-HOUR BASIC MEDIATION TRAINING 40 hours of CLE credit includes 6 hours of ethics. REGISTRATION FEE $1,285 |
2025 September February 2025 ENROLLMENT CAP 24
(Note: Registration deadline for each training is the Tuesday Participants are only allowed 2 transfers for this training |